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Thursday, July 26, 2012


For a week now, I have not been able to open the windows in my house due to the terrible odor that would come into the house. It was something I had never smelled before and would never want to again. I had no idea what the hell it was but as I left the back door and went towards the lane it got worse. I was halfway to the lane and I was already dry heaving. It was one of those smells that would get into your brain and not leave.  I tried holding my breath long enough to get my car out of the garage and close the garage door again but I could not do it. I actually spent more time then I wanted to as I was now puking on my knees.
My neighbor had passed away and his sons were cleaning out his house, his yard and his garage in order to take care of the will and sell the property. The man had been a hoarder for years and his house and garage were in a bad state of neglect. The son told me that in the garage he had found a freezer that was no longer working. When he opened it he had discovered that it was full of decaying meat with no access to oxygen and was undisturbed for who knows how long. When he opened the freezer he was immediately sickened by the stench. He closed the lid and had to air out the garage for over a day before doing and more work in it. When it was all done he hired a company that removes bodies for police agencies and funeral homes etc. He had made a deal with them as he was a cop and they were going to move the whole freezer for him without opening the lid. He said they also had a chemical to deal with the odors. This was going to take place on Friday morning and apparently it did. This is when I was hit with the foulest stench I had ever smelled in my lifetime. I could not understand what had gone wrong. I looked in the lane when I was driving my car and it seemed like there was a water stain that flowed the whole length of the lane and dried from evaporation. It looked like a giant bloodstain on a stove top or counter top. I had convinced myself that the professionals had not done this job and it was done under the cloak of darkness. I assumed this rotting sludge was drained into the lane and left to dry by itself. I tried contacted those son but there was no answer all week so now I became even more suspicious. For a person who had been around every night for two weeks, to disappear, added to the mystery. When I got home from work today I was informed by my wife that she had seen the cop today and he informed her of what had happened. Apparently the men from first call were pissed right off. For the little amount of money they got for the job they said they could not get the smell out of their vehicle. It was on everything including the steering wheel. It turns out as they were picking the freezer up to put it in the van, the bottom of the freezer broke away and this stuff splashed everywhere and ran down the lane. It was in their truck and on their clothes. My wife then told me she saw some men out there that morning in a funny van. It was a square looking van and the two men had blue uniforms on. She said they were stopped by the neighbor’s garage and appeared to be trying to put something in the van when all of sudden one of the men yelled out FUCKKKKKKKK. He then started yelling at his partner and appeared to want to walk home rather than ride. I can only imagine his clothes smelled so badly he did not want to get into the truck or perhaps the truck smelled so badly he did not want to ride in it. Well this all explains this mystery and the smell that haunted me for a week. I now can be happy that all I had to do was keep the windows in my house closed and walk to work a different way. For a week I left from the front door and would not walk down the lane. I also parked my car on the street and not my garage but now I feel sorry for the two guys that came to help move that freezer.