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Saturday, April 23, 2011


Mr. Happy was born around 1988. His first appearance was at red lobster in Grand Forks. During trips to the USA we would do anything to embarrass one another in public. This usually included yelling at someone to "hurry up" or "lets go you idiot" while one of us were trying to shop at the greatest stores ever- Suncoast or the Warner brothers store. A nice one was screaming " I DON'T LOVE YOU GUYS ANYMORE" and running away
Dale , Hugh and myself went for a nice dinner at Red Lobster. Halfway through dinner I was getting a little uncomfortable due to gas. Then an idea hit me. I let out a gigantic fart that was seat ripping. The whole section we were in came to complete silence. Dale and Hugh sat in shock and disbelief at what I had just done. I tried to maintain a straight face and keep my composure. Suddenly the silence was broken with laughter coming from the table behind us. Then more laughter + more. We turned around to see 3 couples dressed to the nines- suits, ties and fancy dresses- all laughing their asses off. One guy - who looked like Johnny Fever from WKRP - was laughing so hard tears were streaming down his cheeks. Then we all lost it and the whole place was laughing. Thus the birth of Mr. Happy who brings joy and laughter to the world. Mr. Happy's world tour included Wal-mart, Dairy Queen- and a stint at Burger King where Hugh actually left the table to sit elsewhere. Sometimes  even Mr Happy cant bring happiness to everyone - but he tried.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


Have you ever scared the shit out of someone? I have.

The year -1989
Time   -2:00 am
The place  - Dale’s house/driveway

My friend Dale was on a hockey team that played their games late- after midnight. I knew that he would always leave his house around 2:15am. I drove to his street and parked a block away. I walked to his house arriving at 2:00am. Dale never locked his car doors- partially because he was lazy- partially because all the lock knobs were broken off. Dale had a classic Dodge Dart- blue with a white racing stripe. His front seat was a solid bench.  I opened his unlocked door and crawled behind the back seat- and waited.
2:20am I hear his back door open and close.
The back gate clang shut.
I crouch behind the back seat. Dale opens the driver’s side door and throws his hockey bag across the front bench across to the passenger side. He sits down starts the car and throws it into reverse to back out of his driveway. He throws his right arm back across the bench looks behind to see if it is clear to back out. At that second I grab his arm and the back of his head and let out a half growl half scream.  I see a complete look of sheer terror in his eyes that I have never seen before or after on anyone’s face. He snaps out of it once he sees that it is me, starts breathing again and laughs.
 He then says “I forgot something in the house”. But when he comes back he is wearing a different pair of pants. You do the math.  Mission accomplished.