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Wednesday, October 26, 2011


Monday, October 24, 2011


So I’m at Safeway the other day – I drop my wife at the front door and find a place to park. I want a spot up-close because she is only going to be 5 minutes and I don’t want to drag 3 kids in.  I see a spot ( a pedestrian entrance off the main road ). I am only going to be there for 5 minutes and I can easily move if someone comes.  As I am backing up I see a guy and his girlfriend get out of a “Honda “and give me the stink eye. The guy turns to his girlfriend and says “THATS NOT A PARKING SPOT”. I don’t know if he meant for me to hear this or just trying to impress his girlfriend. My window was down so I clearly heard him. I reply “IT IS NOW”. They don’t look back or reply. I know they heard because I yelled it out. I then turn to look at their car. Their shit ass Honda is parked in a staff only “RESERVED PARKING”. A few minutes later I see these two losers coming out of the store heading my way. As they get close to their car I yell “LOOK WHERE YOU PARKED IDIOT – CANT YOU READ” Neither of them look at me – they get in their crap mobile and drive off. Where’s your big mouth now.  If my parking interferes with you in some way- sure give me shit.  If it has nothing to do with you SHUT UP AND MIND YOUR OWN BUSSINESS. Especially when you yourself park illegally.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011


The year 1989 – Friday night.
 My buddy Dale had forgotten his text-books at school. (Red River Community College) and had to go back and get them so he could study. I had nothing to do so I told him I would go along for the ride. It was about 8:30 – 9:00, just getting dark. We turn off the perimeter onto Brookside Blvd.
(side story)
When Dale drove if he saw somebody walking on the road he would drive straight at them then veer off at the last second. People would usually freak out and run to get out of the way.
So we’re driving down Brookside heading toward Red River. Off in the distance we see a figure on the road. I knew exactly what Dale was going to do-which he did. He steered the car into the middle of both lanes and sped up- heading right towards him. As we got closer I could see it was a guy wearing a hoodie and jeans- looked like a skater kid. Closer and closer we got. We were about 40 – 50 feet away (I could see this kid clearly) when Dale jerked the wheel to veer off to the side to avoid him. But the second he did that whoever or whatever that was disappeared- vanished right before our eyes. We both said nothing. I couldn’t think straight. Goosebumps covered my body. I was thinking “Did I just see that”- “Did I just imagine that”. “Did he see that”. He must have seen him why else would he have swerved like that. More silence. We reach the school and park in the lot. Dale looks at me and says “I don’t want to say this, but, did you see that”. More Goosebumps. Just to make sure I don’t sound crazy I say “What”. Dale says “That guy disappear in front of the cemetery”.   At that moment I think my whole body became one giant Goosebump with a shiver down my spine to boot.  I DIDN'T KNOW THAT WAS A CEMETERY!!!!!!.    I said “yes”.  His jaw dropped. I said what “did he look like”?  He saw the same hooded thing I saw. He always used to bug me because I would watch documentaries on ghosts and the supernatural – told me that was a bunch of crap – until after that night. I will never forget that experience.

Ghost Story #2   
My family moved in 1979 to a house in East Kildonan. All the time I lived there I always had nightmares about the basement.  It would always the same type of dream. I would be walking up the basement stairs and see the door closet to the stairs slowly open. I knew something was going to come out to get me so I would run up the stairs. In your dreams though you legs always weigh 400 hundred pounds so getting up the stairs was near impossible. I would wake up with a jolt all sweaty. Eventually when my brothers and sisters moved out the basement became my living room. I had a TV, couch, and furniture all set up like my little apartment.    
One night I was watching TV by myself on the couch. I looked at the clock on the wall. It said 2:10.   It wasn’t 2:10 -it was like 8:30. I checked the weather station- it said the correct time was 8:26 PM. I turned the hands of the clock to the correct time and thought this thing needs a new battery. I also thought I need some pumpkin pie before my show starts. I went upstairs to get my pie and headed back down. I sat on the couch and was just about to start on the pie when I looked at the clock. It said 2:10 –AGAIN. While I was staring at the clock trying to remember if I had set it back to the correct time- I heard a springing snap sound. The big hand of the clock popped off-flew through the air and landed right by my feet. I got up (took my pie with me) went upstairs (with a quick check behind me) - and spent the rest of the night with my Dad upstairs watching TV. I left the lights and TV on in the basement, didn’t go back until the next morning. I went downstairs, picked up the clock hand off the floor, took the clock off the wall- and took them outside to the garbage. I haven't been attacked by a clock since.