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Wednesday, August 3, 2011


Everybody has stories about their dog. Here are some from my dog Bandit (RIP).  Bandit was a border-collie/husky. He looked like a border/collie but twice the size. He had one blue eye and one brown.
-        Got so scared during a thunderstorm he chewed the steel handle off the outside tap-nothing left but pieces
-        Jumped out of my car while I was driving (50 km) trying to get to another dog- he loved to fight. I could see him in my rear view mirror doing somersaults on the pavement- he got to his feet and chased that dog down the street. Ripped off one of his paw pads in the process.
-        Again while chasing another dog took a corner too fast and went head first into a chain link fence doing his best accordion impression. Got to his feet and continued the chase.
-        After Thanksgiving I gave him all the leftovers on a metal pie plate. He ate all the leftovers and the pie plate.
-        Was woken up at 7:00 am by a McDonald’s employee to come and pick him up. He had jumped my 6 foot fence- ran 5-6 blocks and crossed Henderson hwy during morning rush hour. When I got there he was sitting by the front entrance with his best “I’m starving- please give me a Big-Mac “ face.
-        Ate about 92% of my friends brand new leather runners
-        Stripped of all the leather from my new lazy-boy recliner
-        Had a major scrap with a semi-tame wolf (who was twice his size). I went to visit my friend who had just come back from a long stay in the Yukon. Little did I know he had brought back this wolf with him. I brought Bandit with me – we got out of the car and headed for the back yard. Bandit ran ahead of me. When I got to the back Bandit was nose to nose with this giant. Neither dog was moving, just eyeballing each other. Then somebody twitched and the fight was on. It was quite the struggle to pull these two apart. One of the two bit my friends hand pretty good. I’m not a fan of dog fights but that was a good one, Bandit held his own with this monster. I was proud.
-        He ate an entire 1 pound chocolate rabbit and lived to tell the tale. (chocolate is poison to dogs)
-         Got locked by accident in a basement room- chewed his way through the door.
-        Had both top fangs removed. Both cracked
-        Had the tops of both ears amputated due to some medical problem. Pockets formed inside his ears and filed with blood, had to have them stitched and the tops cut off.
-        1 bad seizure (cause unknown)
-        Loved to fight-but would take all the abuse my cat Oreo could dish out. After the first year they became lifelong friends. He loved my other cats Muffy and Sammy as well.
-        Extreme arthritis in his back legs finally took its toll on him in his 16th year. That’s amazing for a dog his size. He was a great dog and an even greater friend. I miss him.   

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