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Saturday, June 23, 2012

The Scent of A MAN?

I remember a time when big name stores had 8 story buildings in the Heart of a City. One could choose from at least 10 sets of doors to enter these behemoth buildings and we all had our favorite entrances and favorite places to meet family and friends.
I used to always pick a door that was the farthest from the perfume departments as these areas would literally take my breath away. You had people from every age generation and every walk of life trying on different perfumes and fragrances. Some had the intention of buying perfume for themselves or as gifts for those they loved and there were others just spraying some on because they could never afford the price. All in all it just made the air in those areas toxic for people with asthma or respiratory conditions.
In today’s world this has all changed. The new norm are malls and box stores so there is only one way out.
Have you ever noticed that in order to enter a big store now, you have no alternative but to walk right through this toxic wasteland. The only way to get to the part of the store you need to get to is to hold your breath and walk as fast as possible.
Today I was taken by surprise. I came to one of these stores in a Mall and was trying to time my last breath before the fast walk.
As I walked through this perfume heaven, I noticed men walking towards me all sniffing pieces of paper, lost in some trance, and smiling. What the hell was this weird twisted behavior. I had to keep going or run out of breath and just as I was almost through this nightmare a voice distracts me from my goal.
I have to breathe now, and I am agitated. I say pardon me to this Juan Valdez looking man and he says again in his foreign accent, “ Would you like to smell the fragrance of a Man?” In my agitated state I respond, “ No Thank you, I would rather smell women.” He looks at me all confused and I hurry on my way. When I reach a place where the air is breathable I come to my senses and realize what was going on. I can only assume Juan Valdez was with a perfume company and was trying to sell a new product. The men that were sniffing little pieces of paper were probably given these samples to sniff by Juan Valdez.  I felt stupid now but for guys like me that always avoided perfume sections of stores how would I know that men were just as interested perfumes as women. But in all honesty there has to be a better way of asking men to test men’s perfumes on their olfactory senses then by asking them that funny question, “WOULD YOU LIKE TO SMELL THE FRAGRANCE OF A MAN” That would make anyone run through this department.

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