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Friday, June 10, 2011


I have come by some information concerning a certain Winnipeg sports star that I would like to share. This “star” that shall remain nameless has quite the sexual appetite.   A female acquaintance of mine was recently at a local bar when she was approached by a friend of the “star”. He asked her if her if she would like to go back to the “star’s” condo to meet up with him later. She agreed and off they went. When they arrived at the condo there were some other girls there who were with some more of the “stars” buddies. One thing led to another and my acquaintance ended up in the sack with “the buddy”. During this interlude in walks the “star”. He asks her if he could join the two in the sack. She says no I’m not into that, they yell at her to get out. She gets dressed quickly and leaves the room.  As she exits the condo she encounters the other girls she saw inside, one of the girls is crying. She asks what is wrong.  The girl says she left her jacket inside the condo but is too afraid to go back in to get it because they too were told to get out when they wouldn’t agree to a threesome. My acquaintance then realizes she left her car keys on the night stand in the bedroom.  She decides to go back in to get her keys and the other girl’s jacket. She enters the condo, goes into the bedroom to get her keys and what does she see – The so called hometown hero and his buddy double teaming some other girl. She quietly retrieves her keys- leaves the room and doesn’t look back fearing she will turn into a pillar of salt. In my opinion guys like this shouldn’t be looked up to as a hero, they should be looked down upon as someone who treats women like garbage and abuses his stardom. Come on girls use your head and smarten up-stop lowering yourself to this type of guy’s level.  Have respect for yourself. Don’t let yourself be treated like garbage. Don’t get yourself in a position where things could get out of hand.
Looking at this objectively- I can understand 1 guy with 2 girls – but I can’t see why you would want another dude in the mix. What’s wrong with people?
                                                                              HERO OR ZERO
                                                                       ATHLETE OR PORNSTAR
                                                                           YOU DO THE MATH                                             

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