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Sunday, July 24, 2011


Back in 2000 I was in my living room late one night watching TV. All of a sudden I hear a sound that resembled someone choking a cat, and its coming from my enclosed porch. I get up, go to the porch and see my three cats staring at one of the porch windows which is open. In the window is a big orange cat, just sitting there with that look that says “Ya I’m sitting in your window, what are you going to do about it”.  I’m thinking I had better get my cat’s outta here before all hell breaks loose.  I can see my cats getting ready to rumble, tails flicking fast, deep growls in their throat, hair standing up- the works.  I casually walk into the room and make a grab for Oreo (my biggest toughest cat) at that moment Muffy (my smallest cat) makes a break for the window. I try to toss Oreo out of the room but he leaps straight back towards the window. My other cat Sammy is hiding in the corner not sure if she should fight or get the hell out of there. My other two cats have officially gone ape-shit. I’m grabbing one the other one is slashing my arms and legs – back and forth- trying to get at this cat that has invaded their territory. After a few minutes I manage to grab Oreo and Sammy and whip them into the living room and shut the door. I go back in to get Muffy. She is in the window trying to scratch the other cat’s eyes out. I make a grab for her and she spins around and bites me full force on the forearm.  I grab her by the scruff and haul ass out of the porch. I get back into the living room to see my wife who has just woken up due to the cats screaming (and a little bit of my own). My arms are slashed and bitten to shreds, covered in blood.   I tell her to get back in the bedroom in case the cats are still in frenzy mode. I lock the cats in the basement and go back to the porch to shoo that orange cat out of the window, then go to the bathroom and clean my arms up. The complete circle bite mark on my arm hurts like hell and is swollen up. It gets infected and I had to go get a tetanus shot and some antibiotics.  I forgave my cats, didn’t hold a grudge. They were only trying to protect their property. Take it from me –Don’t mess with cats that have gone ape-shit crazy.  

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