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Friday, May 4, 2012


I sometimes question whether or not the ability to think logically is just another curse. I was sitting in a coffee shop the other day and started looking around. It did not take me long to start noticing things that did not seem right so I started taking mental notes so that I could write about it later.
     There were only two comfy living room chairs in the establishment and they were taken by two younger ladies. Their name brand leather handbags were on the coffee table and they talked to each other once in a while between texting and checking their smart phones....One of these women was all curled up, snug as a bug in her chair. She managed to text with one hand and had used the other hand to flip off her shoes so that she could be barefoot in her living room chair....While she sipped her latte, texted and talked she used one hand to inadvertently  play with her toes. She then put her shoes back on so that she could add more sugar. She had to of course reach for a new stir stick with the same fingers she had just been playing with her lower digits. That struck me as disgusting as it occurred to me someone else might now grab a stir stick that she had touched and unknowingly dip this stick into their drink and end up with a bonus of coffee a la toe jam. I now could understand why the Character in AS GOOD AS IT GETS carried his own cutlery with him.
     While I was making in these observations it then occurred to me that these designer bags, as expensive as they were and as much as people wanted them were actually Trojan horses. Maybe I should have just called them Trojan viruses as it seemed odd that these prized possessions would be on the floors of airplanes, the seats of busses and trains, floors of homes, hotels and motels along with change rooms and bathrooms.
      No one would leave their hand bag unattended, so these things would even end up on the floor of washrooms in public places and the like. Now I would not have to tell you what would be living on the floor of any washroom let alone a public washroom or hotel washroom. Yet when the proud owners of these designer bags would exit they would no doubt wash their hands or use hand sanitizer. Such good work but as I drank my coffee I looked at these bags on the coffee tables and remembered that I had recalled seeing them on tables in eating establishments....
Now I knew what the girls meant when they would see one of these designer hand bags and shout out.....OH TO DIE FOR....
I finished my coffee and wondered what I had ingested after I had stirred it and my imagination.

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