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Wednesday, May 9, 2012

O Canada We Stand On Guard For Thee

There was a time when I was proud to be a Canadian and over the years I shake my head and wish my country would make us all shine to the rest of the World.
It seems the only thing that Politicians are concerned with now is to stand out in the World Arena as having a solid economy and a great outlook for debt reduction in the future.
In order to this, my Government is attempting to convince Canadians that working until 70 increases health and helps avoid illness and depression. Be productive and you will thrive in this society. We are constantly told things like Canadians are now living longer than ever before. At the same time we are told the negative news of how the aging baby boomers will add to the debt with illnesses, and hospitalization. We have already been told that the Old Age Security would have to be raised to the age of 67 to make it sustainable. Only a few generations have had this luxury and it was all the working boomers that made this possible. Now that they have worked their 40 years, it appears that the majority of the Canadian Population will be asked to give even more. You can be sure that in the future you will see the OAS and the CPP raised to the age of 70. After all we need to keep money in the public coffers to pay for all the pensions for the politicians and all the bailouts for big corporations and banks so they can ensure that their CEOs get their million dollar bonuses.
The thing that disgusts me the most is how the same government spoils the Criminals it incarcerates with spiritual care givers, psychologists and psychiatrists, counselors, teachers, nurses, and program facilitators. They get cable TV, gym memberships, prescriptions, and even drugs for hep. C and HIV ordinary workers could never afford. Let us not forget the methadone for severely addicted people. Now I would bet the criminals would be first on a transplant list and am pretty sure that if an Inmate convinced the treatment team that all their woes were due to a woman trapped in a man’s body that our system would also pay for the sex change operation and all the counseling before and after.
These people have chosen to do wrong over and over again and get three meals a day while people in hospitals and nursing homes get fly in food.
This is a shame and shame on CANADA. The people in nursing homes and care homes and hospitals are those that built this country and fought in wars to defend our freedom and all the things we take for granted yet enjoy daily. These old worn out workers get plastic food and pay 12 dollars a day for TV.
Even a BIGGER SHAME is all the soldiers who volunteered for Canada and went to Afghanistan who were wounded, lost limbs, eyes and whatever return to a Canada where the Government of the day starts laying off all those people hired to help them. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder is real and is lasting problem and must be dealt with ASAP but yet the Federal Government makes help almost impossible for those soldiers suffering from it.
I must repeat my shame for my country and its treatment of the old heroes and the new heroes. What makes it worse is my government continues to reward negative behavior and refuses to reward those that choose to live good lives and make the right choices including becoming soldiers defending our freedoms.
Volunteering to the ARMED FORCES and neglected by the Government that used their help. Now forgotten and silenced.
Does it seem right to you that Convicted Criminals in Canada have so much and Soldiers who have done nothing wrong at all, except to volunteer, get so little.
O Canada We Stand On Guard For Thee

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