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Thursday, May 24, 2012

The Real Value of Money


I have decided to write something about an issue that has bewildered me for an eternity. We tried having all these gun laws in our Country and we try to have the rest of the World see us as a Peace Loving Nation.
So here I am in a little bank or should I say a little branch of a Big Bank.  I am distracted by all the noise of some men propping the doors open to ease their access to the bank with their dolly. It just appalls me that they are carrying weapons in open holsters.  They have their hands ready to quick draw as if they were on the streets of Dodge City with Marshall Dillon.
The year is 2012 and this scene sticks to me like stink on a skunk. Why is it so imperative to have this fire power to protect this valuable commodity we call money.
I live in a city that is crowned murder capital year after year and where violence is said to be now worse than 60 years ago.
This city where seniors are beaten at banks at banking machines and where citizens are stabbed for purses, shoes, jackets and skateboards.  This certainly is a more violent city then it was in the sixties and murders and attempted murders seem to be happening on a daily basis.
Yet time after time we are told that there is not a problem here even though we approve a million dollar budget for a police helicopter on an annual basis that is up in the sky a few hours a day.
Citizens have their homes busted into while they are home. They are terrorized while their homes are ransacked. Others have their homes riddled with bullets in drive by shootings and Police are now wearing bullet proof vests and having laws passes to stop the criminals from wearing the same armor protection. To me this seems contradictory to a city that says violence is no more today than in the past.
Even a big air carrier did not want its staff staying in the downtown core due to the risk it posed to its employees.
It is against the law for the honest citizens to carry weapons to protect themselves. People are unable to protect themselves from acts of violence yet the city puts up more cameras to make the citizens safer. I sure hope some of these cameras can leap from their positions to give me hand when I need them, but in the meantime I find it strange how big companies like Banks can have their MONEY protected by people carrying guns. Money can be replaced but lives cannot be replaced. It makes me believe that the powers to be are aware that the cameras mounted all over the place cannot protect the money any better than they can protect the citizens and all the cameras would do is give a picture of the perpetrator, which in bank robberies would probably be someone in a Halloween mask.

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