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Sunday, February 6, 2011


I was at McDonalds this morning getting some breakfast when suddenly the guy standing next to me yelled quite angrily " HEY MANAGER, CAN YOU GET SOME MORE PEOPLE UP HERE IT’S GETTING CRAZY". He had already paid for his food and was waiting for it to be ready. I was surprised to see not one employee look in his direction or acknowledge him. I looked behind myself and saw that there was only one person behind me and I wondered what this guy was yelling about. A few moments later a server came and gave him a juice and egg mcmuffin. He then got upset and said rather loud "HEY YOU FORGOT MY COFFEE". The server looked at the bill which was right in front of him and said "You didn’t order coffee; you ordered juice and an egg mcmuffin". He then got louder and said "I ORDERED A COFFEE AND PAID FOR IT". The server was quite polite and said she could get him a coffee but would have to take the juice back. He says "JUST GET ME THE COFFEE". I could this guy was just trying to scam them for a free coffee because McDonalds is known to just give you whatever you say is missing without questions. This guy was dumb enough to try it with the bill right in front of him, and trying to be loud and obnoxious to get his way. She gave him is coffee, took the juice back and he grabbed his tray and turned to me. I just shook my head and gave him the look that said -you’re an idiot. He walked past me to the guy behind me and started to tell him what crappy service this place has and how stupid the staff is. I don’t know if this guy has psyche issues or just an a-hole. Either way I felt like slapping him.

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