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Saturday, May 7, 2011


I had a good  friend named Brad.  When I decided to start pranking Brad my buddies Dale and Hugh were right in there. Our first prank involved the movie Ishtar- one of the worst movies ever made. The video store down the street was giving away giant cardboard displays for movies, so I went to check it out. I got some some great displays- giant 3 dimensional movie ads. I picked up a ``DIE HARD`` ( my favorite action flick ) PET SEMETARY  - very cool giant tombstone with the evil cat ``CHURCH`` on top with light up eyes. It was taller than me. A batman display, and an ``ISHTAR`` display.  The ISHTAR display was a two piece- A giant camel + cut outs of Dustin Hoffman and Warren Beaty.  It came with a rope that connected the two. It was supposed to look like the two were pulling the camel back. I took it because I had a plan for its use.  One night at 2:oo am Dale, Hugh and myself erected the display on Brads parents front yard and posed for some pictures. This was the start of the Saturday tradition. A week or so later the 3 of us scoured the neighborhood collecting house for sale signs. We even got two of the large wooden post ones. At 2:00 am we put Brad`s house up for sale by about 15 different realtor's. More pics.  Another week went by and we collected election signs for all over the city. By Sunday morning Brad was voting for every politician in the city.
We took a small break to let the heat die down and to collect our next project. 2 weeks later we had enough furniture saved up for a nice living room set- which was promptly delivered at 2:00 am to Brads front lawn. His set came with a couch, end table, lamp, TV + stand. We even got an extension cord and plugged the TV and lamp in. Then posed for pictures. That was my favorite.
I always wanted to have a fake garage sale at his house but never got around to it. That would have been awesome. We hit him again a few years later with some posts and rope ( like in a bank line up) which we borrowed from the convention center. That was the last prank.  Brad never found out it was us, he asked me once but I denied it and he believed me.  I will post the pics as I find them. Good times.

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