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Wednesday, May 25, 2011


Do you want to know what one of my biggest pet peeves is? Its people who drive low end cars with a hamster on a wheel under the hood – but put a special muffler on to make it sound like a muscle car. Who are you trying to fool; you only look like an idiot. Do you wear fake muscles under your t-shirt and stuff a salami in your shorts too? I am probably going to piss some people off with this next statement but here she goes. When I say low end cars I mean Honda’s. When I was young you had two choices
A-    save your money and buy a good cool car
B-    buy a Honda

I don’t know where this rumor started that Honda’s are good cars but that’s the scam of the century. I think it was started by the poor dupes who couldn’t afford a real car and are trying to fool everyone else. Just take a good look at them, nothing special- just plain, boring and unimaginative vehicles.
The next time there is a slow driver a head of you, someone cuts you off, or it sounds like the muffler has fallen off the car behind you- 9.5 times out of 10 its somebody driving a Honda.   I’m not saying all Honda drivers are idiots- there are a small percentage who are sane normal people who just bought into the “Honda’s last forever” or  “they have great resale value” illusion. (Sorry Dan)
Any car will last forever if you take care of it. Honda owners have to take care of their cars- you take a corner to fast and you’re after market/homemade spoiler and side panels are going to fly right off. Let’s face it -only previous Honda owners are going to buy a used Honda. Once you’re stuck in that circle of delusion it’s hard to get out.  I’m not trying to say I own the fanciest cars on the block –but hey- they aren’t Honda”s.

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