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Tuesday, January 24, 2012


I used to work at Bill’s video in the 90’s. It’s now bankrupt and gone. It was a crappy job with a crappy boss- but it was loads of fun and great co-workers. Here are some memorable customer moments. I remember this one guy who was always rude and ignorant every time he came in, the guy was a total dick. One day he comes in with crutches- he had broken his ankle. He asks to use the bathroom. There was no public bathroom, just our staff bathroom. We told him there was none so he begged to use ours- it was an “emergency”. We didn’t want to because he was such a prick- but he had crutches so we gave him a break.  After he’s done and leaves the store I went to the back for something. I look in the bathroom and it’s a disaster. There was shit and piss all over the seat and the toilet was plugged up- It was disgusting. We had to clean it up. The next day he comes in again with another emergency. I said “no you can’t the bathrooms broken”. He says “I just need to piss” and begs and pleads with me. I got fed up and said “Look – you shit all over the place yesterday you’re not using it again”.  He get mad- tells me to fuck off and starts to leave – moving pretty fast on his crutches. Now to exit you had to take a sharp corner around the front desk that led to two big glass windows at the exit. He was crutching so fast around the corner he lost his balance and started to fall forwards. Now here is the funny part. He couldn’t stop himself from falling because he couldn’t let go of the crutches. He fell face first into the giant window on an angle. His face hit the glass and skidded all the way down making that squeaking sound. Then he hit the floor. He laid there for a second- got up and hopped his ass out the door. We never laughed so loud- and we never saw him again.
I remember another customer who happens to be a Pastor. He always brought back movies demanding his money back because the movies were damaged. These were the days of VHS tapes. When your VCR was broken and you tried to play a movie in it, it would rip or warp the tape inside. You could see the damaged on the screen as it happened when you tried to watch the movie.  We kept records of brought back and damaged tapes. Movie that he rented always came back damaged that were fine for the last customer. We decided to finally say something about it. I was very nice and not rude about it. I said to him I think there might be something wrong with your VCR because they are only damaged after you rent them. He immediately got defensive and angry- telling me I was a liar and he’s a pastor and wouldn’t do such a thing. I said I know you’re not doing it on purpose it’s your VCR.  He completely lost it. He started screaming at me and shaking his fist. He finished yelling at me and said “IM NEVER COMING BACK HERE AGAIN- HERE’S YOUR DAMN CARD”.  He pulls out his membership card and he starts to try to rip it in half. Our cards were laminated and quite thick – unless you were Superman you ain’t gonna rip that card. He still kept trying- getting more and more mad. He wrestled with that card a good 30 seconds before he lost it again and threw it in my face. He stormed out and we never saw him again. I’m glad I didn’t go to his church.

1 comment:

  1. Good times!
    We made the best displays though & got the best posters and screeners lol
